2 Sheehan Street
Ponsonby, Auckland 1011



Awesome Massage Therapy including Sports Massage & Remedial Massage From Qualified and Experienced Therapists You Can Trust.

Massage is a “hands on” therapy where we work with the soft tissue to reduce muscle tension and pain. 

Massage improves blood flow to the muscle tissue and other soft tissues (eg: tendon, ligaments and connective tissue). It enhances the uptake of oxygen and nutrients and flushes out toxins resulting in healthier muscle tissue. It also helps to realign muscle fibers and can lower levels of Cortisol (stress hormone) and calm the central nervous system.

Check out our other bodywork treatments: 

Reflexology, Myofascial Vacuum Cupping, Dry Needling, Reiki Energy Healing, Emotion Code and Body Code


Session Pricing


Lisa & Shelley

Massage with Reiki:   


30 minutes $80                                                  45 minutes  $115
45 minutes                 $105                                       60 minutes  $150
60 minutes    $135                                     75 minutes   $170
75 minutes $155                                    90 minutes  $200
90 minutes $175                                    120 minutes  $260
120 minutes $235 (Shelley only)     

“Awesome massage today, my back thanks you!”

Marie Hindle
Therapeutic Remedial Massage

Therapeutic/Remedial Massage

Reduce the incidence of pain such as: headaches, migraines, lower back & hip pain, and shoulder pain through postural assessment and deep tissue massage.

  • Improve your posture and become pain free.
  • Eliminate “mouse” shoulder and neck pain from poor desk posture.
  • Eliminate referral pain such as Sciatica and arm pain.

To continue your treatment at home, we recommend Balance Balm for sore achy muscles 



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Sports Massage

Remain injury free & improve your performance by assisting muscles back to their normal resting length therefore improving strength and flexibility

  • Deep tissue massage to realign muscle fibres and eliminate trigger points
  • Speed up your recovery between training sessions and events by flushing out metabolic waste
  • Recovering from injury or training for an event? Regular sports massage and deep tissue massage can help.

For your self-massage between massages we recommend a Foam Roller. 



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Sports Massage
Relaxation/Restorative Massage

Relaxation/Restorative Massage

Schedule time-out for yourself with a relaxation massage.

  • De-stress and reduce your muscle tension
  • Quieten your mind and assist in a good nights sleep.
We recommend Stressless Essential Oil to take home. 


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Pregnancy Massage

Ease your lower back and hip pain by releasing trigger points. Many trigger points develop in muscles due to the instability of ligaments.

  • Take time out to rest and rejuvenate your body.
  • Ease your shoulder and neck discomfort as your body changes during pregnancy & when breastfeeding.
  • Total comfort in side-lying position with loads of pillows on the massage table.
We recommend a warm Wheatbag for those achy muscles & when in labour.
To book a pregnancy massage online please select 'Massage' service option.
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Pregnancy Massage

24 hour cancellation policy

In consideration of other clients who may require an appointment and our therapists we request 24 hours notice of a cancellation or reschedule.

LATE CANCELLATION: To be charged half of session time (unless slot filled)
NO SHOW: To be charged for full cost of session time (will also apply to appointments cancelled within one hour of appointment)

Lateness to an appointment will cut into your treatment time.

Thank you for your understanding. 

PROUD SPONSORS 2007 to 2015



Massage New Zealand